Biffle Researchers

Family Group Record: Sarah Elizabeth Biffle and Thomas Irvin(g) Minter

Sarah Elizabeth, Thomas, and children Sarah Elizabeth (Bess) and William
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Sarah Elizabeth Minter, Margaret Minter, William Minter (children)

Information supplied by: Janet M. Roseen

If you have additional information or corrections to this report on this family, please contact the editor.
As always, use this information as a guide to your own research, documenting as you go along.

   Thomas Irvin(g) Minter 
   Born: Place:
   Married: Place:
   Died: Place:

   Sarah Elizabeth Biffle  
   Born: ca. 1880 Place: DeLeon, Comanche County, Texas
   Died: Place:
   Parents: Henderson Porter Biffle and Mary Winnie Brewer


1 Sarah Elizabeth Minter
Sex Born: March 10, 1904 Place: Buffalo Gap, Taylor County, Texas
F Married: J.E. Baldridge Place:
   Died: January 8, 1994 Place: Keene, Kern County, California
  Sarah was employed as a teacher in Texas and Bakersfield, California. She received an M.A. and studied languages for two years in France and Spain.

2 William Henderson Minter
Sex Born: March 10, 1905* Place:
  M Married: ca. 1929, Gertrude Farrey Place:
   Died: April 26, 1991 Place: Los Angeles County, California
*Are William's and Sarah's birth dates really exactly one year apart? Apparently, yes.

3 Margaret Lee Minter
Sex Born: September 6, 1912 Place:
F Married: 1st: 1930, L.L. Creason; 2nd: Lewis Barnes Place:
   Died: Place:

  • 1930 U.S. Census, Web County, Texas, T626-2407, p. 6A, E.D. 15; William with his wife at Fort McIntosh, Laredo Texas, in the army; haven't been able to find the rest of the family.

Biffle Researchers Home Page
Last Web Revision: 1/6/05
Page Coordinator: Janet M. Roseen