Biffle Researchers



Adley B. Biffle
Adley (Adlai) B. Biffle and Sarah Elizabeth Skelton
Anzonetta Biffle
Anzonetta Biffle and Elbert Jeremiah Allen wedding photo
Argyle Biffle
Argyle Biffle, Nettie Caroline Lemley, Homer Biffle
Augustus Biffle wedding
Augustus and Edith Olsson Biffle
Edith Maria Olsson Biffle
Edith Maria Olsson Biffle
wife of Augustus Biffle
Carrie Louisa Biffle Eller
Carrie Louisa Biffle and George Joseph Eller, 1915 Oklahoma
Elizabeth Minerva Biffle Tuggle
Elizabeth Minerva Biffle Tuggle
Henderson Porter Biffle family
Henderson Porter Biffle family
Ira Biffle
Ira Biffle
Jacob Barnett Biffle
Jacob Barnett Biffle
James Ethridge Biffle
James Ethridge Biffle and Ruby Mae Griffin
James Monroe Biffle
James Monroe Biffle
James W. Biffle
James W. Biffle, son of James Wesley Biffle and Emma Mikel
John Henry Biffle
John Henry Biffle, son of Nathan Fletcher Biffle
John Wesley Biffle
John Wesley Biffle and Mary Winnie Brewer
Leslie L. Biffle
Leslie L. Biffle
Mary Ellen Biffle
Mary Ellen Biffle
Mary Ellen Biffe and family
Mary Ellen Biffle and Hiel Wilson Allen and family, ca. 1904
Nathan Fletcher Biffle
Nathan Fletcher Biffle and Nancy Louise Morris
Nathan I Biffle
Nathan I. Biffle family
Olive Etta Biffle Eller
Olive Etta Biffle and Jewel E. Eller family
Olive Etta Biffle Eller
Olive Etta Biffle and Jewel E. Eller
Roy E. Biffle
Roy E. Biffle, Ruby Mae Griffin Biffle, Virginia Catherine Sears Griffin, Margaret McGrieger Sears
Sarah Elizabeth Biffle Minter family
Sarah Elizabeth Biffle and Thomas Minter family
Children of Sarah Elizabeth Biffle Minter
Sarah Elizabeth Minter, Margaret Minter, William Minter, children of Sarah Elizabeth Biffle
Susannah Biffle
Susannah Biffle (1821-1882)
Uriah Burns
Uriah Burns
Willaim A. Burns
William A. Burns son of James Love Burns
David Allen Crossnoe
David Allen Crossnoe (1849-1928)
Otto King Crossnoe
Otho King Crossnoe (1886-1923) with (mother) Margaret Mitchell Crossnoe (1852-1934)
Grace Elizabeth Carr Crossnoe
Grace Elizabeth Carr Crossnoe (1895-1926) (Otho's wife)
Margaret Virginia Mitchell
Margaret Virginia Mitchell (1852-1934)
Ruth family
Ruth family
Ruth family
Ruth family
Ruth family
Ruth family
Matilda Weaver Garrison
Matilda Weaver Garrison
At one time thought to be James Ethridge Biffle and Ruby Mae Griffin, but now this is uncertain. Do you know who this is?
James J. Biffle
James J. Biffle
Possibly the son of Robert Leander Biffle
Jasper Sutton Burns
Jasper Sutton Burns and grandchildren

1973 Biffle Reunion
Adley B. Biffle (with skunk)

Jacob Elijah Biffle (Lige)

Everett, Olin, Harold Biffle

Julia Walker Biffle

Sarah Emily Biffle

Mary Ozelle Patton

Marion Draper Family

Mary Ida Biffle Draper

Atticus Biffle, Sr. family: Edgar; Atticus Lafayette Jr.; Catherine Ellinger Picker Biffle; Dorothy. These photos reprinted with permission.

Dorothy, Atticus, Edgar Biffle

Atticus Biffle (A.L.), Jr.

Atticus Biffle, Sr.

Catherine Ellinger
Picker Biffle

Earl Biffle

Earl Biffle with Earl, Jr. and Jessie.

Edgar Biffle

Jack Biffle



Adam Biffle plaque Biffle plaque
Adam Biffle and Catherine Biffle memorial plaque, Lake Louise, N.C.
Adam Biffle memorial stone
Adam Biffle and Catherine Biffle memorial stone, Lake Louise, N.C.
Adam Biffle memorial stone
Adam Biffle and Catherine Biffle memorial stone, Lake Louise, N.C.
John Biffle cabin
John Biffle and Sally Ingram cabin, DeKalb County
John Biffle cabin
John Biffle and Sally Ingram cabin, DeKalb County
SAR dedicated John Biffle grave
SAR dedicates John Biffle grave
John Biffle gravestone
John Biffle gravestone
SAR honors John Biffle
SAR honors John Biffle
SAR dedication of John Biffle grave
SAR Dedication of John Biffle grave
SAR dedication of John Biffle grave
SAR Dedication of John Biffle grave
Jesse J. Biffle ferry
Ferry run by Jesse J. Biffle
Jacob Hinkle map
Jacob Hinkle map, 1756
James Americus Reagan grave
James Americus Reagan gravestone, husband of Mary Ann Elizabeth Weaver
Jane Eliza Weaver headstone
Jane Eliza Weaver (1810-1899) headstone
Elizabeth Biffle Weaver headstone
John Weaver and Elizabeth Biffle Weaver headstone
John Weaver gravestone
John Weaver
Mary Ann Elizabeth Weaver Reagan headstone
Mary Ann Elizabeth Weaver Reagan
John and Elizabeth Weaver stone
John and Elizabeth Weaver
Biffle/Weaver plaque
Biffle/Weaver plaque
Catherine Weaver Pickens stone
Catherine Weaver Pickens
Mary Biffle Eller stone
Mary Biffle Eller
M.M. Weaver stone
M.M. Weaver
Elizabeth Biffle Weaver grave
Elizabeth Biffle and John Weaver graves
Susannah Weaver McCarson stone
Susannah Weaver McCarson
James Wesley Biffle grave
James Wesley "Jimmie" Biffle gravestone
Frances Lemons Biffle grave
Frances Lemons Biffle gravestone
Yvonne Biffle Gale grave
Yvonne Biffle Gale gravestone
Johnathan Theodrick Biffle grave
Johnathan Theodrick Biffle and Mary Jane Brown
Wilson L. Biffle marker
Wilson L. Biffle Marker
Corine Biffle gravestone
Corine Biffle (Mar 21 1889-Dec 22, 1891) gravestone in Reed Cemetery
Edgar Biffle gravestone
Edgar Biffle gravestone in Reed Cemetery
Jacob Barnett Biffle gravestone
Jacob Barnett and Sarah Ann Biffle gravestone in Reed Cemetery
John T Biffle gravestone
John T. (1857-1936) and Mary J. Biffle gravestone in Reed Cemetery
Nancy L.M. Biffle gravestone
Nancy Louise Morris Biffle gravestone in Reed Cemetery
Nathan F Biffle gravestone
Nathan F. Biffle gravestone in Reed Cemetery

Jarret H. Draper

James Monroe Biffle

Johnnie R. Biffle

Marion T. Draper

Mary I. Biffle

Robert Lee Biffle and Lou Nora Biffle


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© Biffle Researchers, 1/6/04